D-DAY (Avalon Hill, 1991) ERRATA >From General 28-4: GAMEBOARD The Mediterranean Base hex (T19) should be treated as an Allied port city/ supply hex. TERRAIN CHART: The combat modifiers for a fortified city hex should read: "+4 for each defending German ground unit, and -1 for each attacking unit." (Rule 4b6, as clarified below, *is* correct.) BASIC GAME RULES 2c): The illustration should show a corps unit instead of an army headquarters unit. Clarification: Units in an army headquarters holding box *still* have their normal zones of control. 2d4): Add another sentence: "In all cases, if the stacking in a hex is *unavoidably* exceeded at the end of a movement or combat step, their controlling player *must* eliminate any unit(s) of his choice until the stacking is legal." 3b1): Movement To Attack: Revise the "Note" at the end to read: "Divisions have a '0' movement factor - they may not be moved normally, but may be used to attack an adjacent hex in their zone of control, may be retreated (see 4d), and may be used to occupy after an attack (see 4f)." No Attack Movement: Reword as follows: "Any unit that does not attack for combat or start in or enter an enemy zone of control may expend as much as twice their printed movement factors." 4b6): Add before the final sentence: "Treat a fortified city hex as a normal city hex if it contains an *Allied* ground unit." THE BATTLE MANUAL 6b3) and 6c3): The 20 Allied ground units required must all be *corps* units. 8b1): Drop the words "or both" from the first sentence, then delete the third example ("30B Corps Attacks both 66 and 67 Corps"), as it is incorrect. 12c4): Add to the end of the sentence: "(adjust the Allied moves marker to reflect any reductions)." 14c3): Add a final sentence: "This may be done no more than once per unit per step." 15b): Replace the final sentence with: "*German* units located in fortified city hexes do not take this loss." UNIT COUNTER SHEET INITIATIVE: For reasons that baffle everyone here, the Initiative marker was left off! simply write the word "Initiative" on the half green, half gray blank counter. 18U: This unit should show the airborne symbol on *both* sides. wendell.martin@the-matrix.com 73737.1237@compuserve.com http://www.bham.net/users/wendell