De Bellis Multitudinis -Official WRG Amendments as at 8/1/94 Copyright Phil Barker and Richard Bodley Scott 1994 Page 5: KNIGHTS. Inferior (I). Line 1 -4. Delete "charging... sergeants", replace by "or men-at-arms unskilled with lance and relying mainly on sword or mace, often fighting either in deep clumsy wedge formations or dismounted, such as Byzantine kataphraktoi, medieval Germans or 100 Years War English." LIGHT HORSE. Inferior (I). Line 1. Delete "Camel mounted scouts or raiders, such as Bedouin", replace by "Scouts or raiders riding camels, asses or deer" Page 7: AUXILIA. Exception (X). Line 1. Insert before "lacking", "partly or entirely" Line 1. Insert before "shields", "effective" Line 4. Delete "(O)", replace by "(S)" Line 4 -5. Delete "mounted troops .... mounted troops", replace by "knights, expendables, spears, blades, warband or hordes" Add at end of line 6. "They benefit from deeper formations against mounted troops." PSILOI. Exception (X). Line 1. Insert after "incendiaries", ", corrosives or biologicals" Line 1. Delete "or", replace by "," Line 2. Insert after "lances", ", quicklime or hornets' nests" Page 8: ARTILLERY. Inferior (I). Line 1. Insert at end, "Also flaming pigs." ARTILLERY. Exception (X). Insert after "only 1OOp", ", that they turn to face when contacted in flank or rear" Page 9: EXCHANGING MOUNTED AND FOOT ELEMENTS. Para 1. Line 2. Insert after "defend fortifications", "or to attack war wagons" Para 3. 3rd and 4th bullets. Delete "specified in their army list", replace by "Auxilia (I)" Para 4. Line 5. Insert at end after "its mounts.", "Riderless mounts do not count towards any element count." Para 5. Line 2. Insert after "Mounted Infantry .", "Unless these have lost or left their mounts, they march and flee as mounted, but otherwise move as foot." Page 10: ELEMENT BASING. Figures per element. Line 3. Insert after "Knights (S), (O)" ", (I)" Line 5. Delete "or (I)" Penultimate Paragraph. Line 2. Insert after "foot except artillery", "unless (X)" Line 3. Delete "non -chariot", replace by "some" Line 3-4. Delete "have 2 less ... front element", replace by "then have 1 less 25mm or 15mm figure than usual in the front element, and 1 extra in the rear element" Page 11: ELEMENT COST. insert points value for Irregular Knights (I), "8" Page 12: TERRAIN. Para 4. Line 4. Insert after "be replaced by", "either" Line 4. Insert after "a road or" "a" Para 1. Line 1. Delete "partly in rough or difficult going is treated as if entirely in that terrain ", replace by "in more than one type of going is treated as if in the worse" Page 14: WEATHER. Para 1. Score 4. Line 2. Insert after "or summer, or in Cold", "unless summer" Line 2. Delete ", or in Cold. Mud in Cold if spring" Page 15: DEPLOYMENT. Para 5. 3rd bullet. Insert after "position" "and direction faced" OFF TABLE FLANK MARCHERS. Para 2. Line 2. Delete "The smaller", replace by "An equal sized or smaller flank march" Line 5. Delete "The", replace by "A" AMBUSHES. Para 2. Line 3. Delete "300p", replace by "500p" Page 16: PLAYER INITIATIVE POINT DICING. Para 3. Line 1- 4. Delete "Unless at night ... on the table ", replace by "The C-in-C specifies after throwing each bound, and before any moves are made, which of these commands uses which die and its PIP score that bound. However, a command instead dices independently if at night, or in mist, fog, snow or a dust-storm, or the C-in-C has been lost, or the command's general is in ambush or flank marching off-table." Para 4. lst +1. Line 5. Delete "within one element width of', replace by "through" 2nd + 1. 2nd bullet. Line 1. Insert before "land element other than of psiloi" "regular or irregular" Line 2. Delete "contacts", replace by "moves into contact with" UNRELIABLE ALLIES. Para 2. Line 1. Insert after "irregular" "and of a different nation" Line 2. Delete "is lost", replace by "also changes sides" Page 17: TACTICAL-MOVES. Single element moves. 2nd bullet. Line 1. Insert after "in contact with its front" "and move directly to its own rear" Group moves. Para 2. Line 4. Delete "reductions or increases in frontage or turns", replace by "changes in frontage, turns or movement to the group's rear" Page 18: Movement restrictions. Para 1. 3rd bullet. Add at end, "The remainder of its move, if any, must be in the same direction." Para 4. Line 1. Delete "edge" Line 2. Insert after "pivot", "or shift sideways". Insert after "necessary to", "exactly". Delete "all", replace by "both" Delete 2nd bullet "It is not in even partial ... of psiloi " Line 6. Insert before "In all other circumstances" "If it is in even paxtial edge to edge contact with another friendly element other than of psiloi, it need not pivot, but must shift sideways to line up if there is room." Line 6. Delete "moving into contact", replace by "initiating a close combat" Line 6. Delete "conform to the enemy element it contacts", replace by "move into edge to edge and corner to corner contact with an enemy element and cannot exceed its normal move to do so" MARCH MOVES. Para 2. 3rd bullet. Delete "at camelry speed", replace by "as if camelry" 3rd bullet. Delete "at cavalry speed", replace by "as if cavalry" Page 19: SPONTANEOUS ADVANCE. Para 1. lst bullet. Line 1. Insert after "knights", "if (S), (O), (F) or (X)" Page 20: MOVING THROUGH FRIENDLY TROOPS OR GAPS. Para 2. 3rd bullet. Insert after "recoil" "if there is room to do so" CROSSING WATER OBSTACLES. Para 3. 1+. Line 1. Delete "The", replace by "A single element or the" Line 1. Delete "group", replace by "column" Line 2. Insert after "subsequent element", "of a column" MOVEMENT AT NIGHT etc. 2nd bullet. Line 1. Delete "group", replace by "element heading a column," Line 2. Insert after "must be in", "or into" Page 21: DISTANT SHOOTING. Para 1. Line 1- 2. Delete "if(S) or (O), ships..... marched", replace by "(S) or (O), elephants (X), ships (S), (0) or (X) and galleys within range and which did not march" Line 4. Delete "overlapping enemy", replace by "counting as an overlap" Para 3. Line 2. Inseu after "War wagons (S)", ", ships (X)" Para 4. Line 1 -2. Delete "shoot only", replace by "only shoot" (twice) CLOSE COMBAT. Para 2. Line 2. Insert before "or", "and/" Line 2. Delete "an enemy element's front edge", replace by "enemy elements' front edge(s)" Line 2- 3. Insert after "edge, turns to face" "the rear attacker if any, otherwise whichever flank attacker contacted it first" Line 6. Insert after "cancelled.", "If turning to face one flank or rear attacker breaks contact with another, this moves to renew contact if there is room." Para 4. Line 1. Insert after "flank", "or rear" Line 5. Insert after "be overlapped themselves", "by enemy outside" Page 22: Rear Support Factors. Para 1. Line 4. Delete "or", replace by ",". Insert after "artillery", "or war wagons" 1st bullet. Line 1. Delete "Knights", replace by "If expressly required by their army list to be mounted on a double element base, knights" Line 1- 2. Delete "on the same base" 1Oth bullet. Line 2. Insert after "fortifications", "or war wagons" Page 23: COMBAT OUTCOME. If an element's total is less than that of its opponent, but more than half. War Wagons. Delete "Recoil if (S) ... by expendables", replace by "Destroyed by artillery except (X) or by elephants. If not, recoil if (S) assaulting fortifications." Page 24: RECOILING ELEMENTS. Para 1. Line 5. Delete "Troops", replace by "Elements that would be" Para 3. 3rd bullet. Delete "or", replace by "and cannot" 3rd bullet. Insert after "push back", "sufficiently to complete its recoil move" FLEEING ELEMENTS. Para 1. 3rd bullet. Line 1-2. Delete "moves directly... turn to do so", replace by "makes an initial 180 degree turn unless the impetuous friends passed through within 90 degrees of from front to rear" 4th bullet. Delete "after being passed ... turn to do so", replace by "from a recoiling or destroyed elephant element [See above] moves directly away from the initial position of the elephant element, making an initial turn if necessary" Para 2. Line 1. Insert after "element can" "and must" Line 2. Insert after "impassable terrain " " even if this will take it off-table," Line 3. Insert after "200p" "; or to pass through friends it contacts" Para 3. Line 3. Insert after "without turning again" "Mounted infantry flees as camelry if on camels, otherwise as cavalry. An undemoralised element flees for one bound only unless it suffers a new cause of flight." Page 25: DEMORALISED COMMANDS. Para 2. Line 2. Insert after "or single elements", "for the current bound" Page 32: Figure 8b. Para 2. Line 3. Delete "it must wheel ... contact with G", replace with "H need not pivot as it is in partial edge to edge contact with G. Group C -D must therefore wheel to contact H with C's front Parallel to that of H. H must then shift sideways if necessary to conform to C" Page 34: Figure 10. Para 4. Line 1. Delete "A", replace by "C" Para 5. Lines 1, I and 3. Delete "A", replace by "C" (Three times)