From Moves 29 ISLAND WAR Bloody Ridge [13.2] (OMISSION) If any hex of Henderson Field is occupied by a Japanese unit, the U.S. Player immediately loses his Ground Support Points. The Points are returned to the U.S. Player on the Game-Turn following that in which all the hexes of Henderson Field are reoccupied by U.S. units. [14.0] (CORRECTION) The Japanese Player wins by occupying any two (or more) hexes of Henderson Field with any of his units at the end of any two consecutive Japanese Combat Phases. [15.2] (CLARIFICATION) There are two Japanese units (1/230, 2/230) listed in the Scenario 11 Initial Deployment which are not listed on the Turn Record/Reinforcement Track, nor are they included in the counter mix. They should be included in the game, but not in the Initial Deployment for the Scenario. Instead, they appear as reinforcements on Game-Turn 21. Use any eliminated Japanese (2-2-10) infantry units or simply make them up from the blank counters.