From: Ed Bauer <76121.411@CompuServe.COM> Subject: A5A Q&A/Errata Text File >>>>> ACROSS 5 APRILS: Q&A/ERRATA (unofficial) - 3 May 96 =================================================== GETTYSBURG ---------- Confederate 3rd day victory conditions, the "+11" should read ">1-1". Union 3rd day victory conditions, "CSA to USA VP Ratio" should read "USA to CSA VP Ratio". Union 3rd day victory conditions, the "+1" should read ">1-1". A VP ratio of exactly 1-1 is considered a draw. VP Ratio Chart Original Clarification (Confederate 3rd-Day) ======== ============= Level of Victory CSA to USA VP Ratio CSA to USA VP Ratio ---------------- ------------------- ------------------- Confed. Marginal +11 but < 1 1/2-to-1 >1-1 through 1.49-1 Confed. Substantial 1 1/2-to-1 or higher 1.5-1 through 1.99-1 Confed. Decisive 2-to-1 or higher 2-1 or higher VP Ratio Chart Original Clarification (Union 3rd-Day) ======== ============= Level of Victory CSA to USA VP Ratio USA to CSA VP Ratio ---------------- ------------------- ------------------- Union Marginal +1 but < 1 1/2-to-1 >1-1 through 1.49-1 Union Substantial 1 1/2-to-1 1.5-1 through 1.99-1 Union Decisive 2-to-1 or higher 2-1 or higher