Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; name=dice Content-ID: Content-Description: dice shell script #!/bin/sh # # Die roll generator for use by PBeM gamers. # Generates a seed that is fed to the program diceroll, # which in turn generates the specified number of die rolls. # The script expects a mail with the body containing lines: # "#P" (Multiple lines allowed) # "#S" # "#D" # "#R" # "#L" # "#C" (Multiple lines allowed) # "#T" # PATH=/usr/local/pp/cmds:/usr/local/pp/bin:/usr/local/pp/cmds/tools:/usr/lib/bin:/usr/ucb:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/5bin:/home/uniel/bin: export PATH egrep '(#P|#S|#D|#R|#C|#L|#T)' > /tmp/dice.$$ grep "#P" /tmp/dice.$$ | sed 's/#P//' | sed 's/' | sed 's/dice//' > /tmp/dice.$$.1 echo "Dice rolls requested by: " $* > /tmp/dice.$$.3 echo "" >> /tmp/dice.$$.3 grep "#C" /tmp/dice.$$ | sed 's/#C /# /' | sed 's/#C/# /' >> /tmp/dice.$$.3 echo "" >> /tmp/dice.$$.3 #date +%j%M%S%y%j > /tmp/dice.$$.2 #date +%M%S%y%j > /tmp/dice.$$.2 date +%M%S > /tmp/dice.$$.2 grep "#S" /tmp/dice.$$ | sed 's/#S //' >> /tmp/dice.$$.2 grep "#D" /tmp/dice.$$ | sed 's/#D //' >> /tmp/dice.$$.2 grep "#R" /tmp/dice.$$ | sed 's/#R //' >> /tmp/dice.$$.2 if grep "#L" /tmp/dice.$$ > /dev/null then grep "#L" /tmp/dice.$$ | sed 's/#L //' >>/tmp/dice.$$.2 else echo "10" >> /tmp/dice.$$.2 fi if grep "#T" /tmp/dice.$$ > /dev/null then grep "#T" /tmp/dice.$$ | sed 's/#T //' > /tmp/dice.$$.4 else echo "Dice rolls" > /tmp/dice.$$.4 fi if diceroll < /tmp/dice.$$.2 > /dev/null then diceroll < /tmp/dice.$$.2 >> /tmp/dice.$$.3 else diceroll < /tmp/dice.$$.2 >> /tmp/dice.$$.3 echo "" >> /tmp/dice.$$.3 echo "Usage of dice roller:" >> /tmp/dice.$$.3 echo "" >> /tmp/dice.$$.3 echo "Send a mail to containing:" >> /tmp/dice.$$.3 echo "" >> /tmp/dice.$$.3 echo "#P (Multiple lines allowed)" >> /tmp/dice.$$.3 echo "#S " >> /tmp/dice.$$.3 echo "#D " >> /tmp/dice.$$.3 echo "#R " >> /tmp/dice.$$.3 echo "#L " >> /tmp/dice.$$.3 echo "#C (Multiple lines allowed)" >> /tmp/dice.$$.3 echo "#T " >> /tmp/dice.$$.3 fi echo "" >> /tmp/dice.$$.3 echo "*******************************************************" >> /tmp/dice.$$.3 echo "* IMPORTANT NOTE: *" >> /tmp/dice.$$.3 echo "* *" >> /tmp/dice.$$.3 echo "* DON'T REPLY to this message from the dice roller. *" >> /tmp/dice.$$.3 echo "* Replies end up in the administrators mailbox. *" >> /tmp/dice.$$.3 echo "* *" >> /tmp/dice.$$.3 echo "*******************************************************" >> /tmp/dice.$$.3 mail.pp -t $* `cat /tmp/dice.$$.1` -s "`cat /tmp/dice.$$.4`" < /tmp/dice.$$.3 # Log L=/home/uniel/log/dice.log if [ -f $L ] then echo "`date`: Dice requested by: $*" >> $L echo "input:" >> $L cat /tmp/dice.$$.2 >> $L else echo "`date`: Dice requested by: $*" > $L echo "input:" >> $L cat /tmp/dice.$$.2 >> $L fi rm /tmp/dice. $$*Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; name="diceroll.c" Content-ID: Content-Description: dice roll program /* Generates dice rolls. 5 input parameters are required: seed - Seed to the random function. sides - The number of sides on every die. dice - The number of dice. rolls - The number of dice rolls requested. prlin - The number of dice rolls printed pr. line in output. */ #include unsigned long seed; unsigned int sides, dice, test, prlin; main() { unsigned long rolls, i; unsigned int die(); test = 0; scanf("%lu", &seed); scanf("%iu", &sides); scanf("%iu", &dice); scanf("%lu", &rolls); scanf("%lu", &prlin); printf("\n"); if ( ( 0 < sides && sides < 1001) && ( 0 < dice && dice < 1001) && ( 0 < rolls && rolls < 1001) && ( 0 < prlin && prlin < 21) ) { printf("Random seed: %4u\n",seed); printf("No. of sides on every die: %4u\n",sides); printf("No. of dice for every roll: %4u\n",dice); printf("No. of dice rolls requested: %4u\n",rolls); printf("No. of rolls pr. line: %4u\n\n",prlin); for( i=1 ; i <= rolls ; ++i ) printf( (i%prlin) ? "%4u " : "%4u\n", die() ); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Average of dice rolls: %5.2f\n", (double)test/(double)rolls); printf("\n"); exit(0); } else { printf("No. of sides, dice, and rolls must be in [1..1000]\n"); printf("and no. of rolls output pr. line must be in [1..20]\n"); printf("Input to dice roll program was: %6u %6u %6u %6u\n",sides,dice,rolls,prlin); exit(1); } } unsigned int die() { double random(); unsigned int i, sum; /* One should be sure the global variables seed and dice are initialized before the call to random() */ sum = 0; for( i=1 ; i <= dice ; ++i ) sum = sum + (random()*sides) + 1; test = test + sum; return (unsigned int) sum; } double random() /* Before calling this for the first time, the global variable seed needs to be initialized. */ { static unsigned long a = 25173L, c = 13849L, m = 65536L; seed = (a*seed+c) % m; return (double) seed / (double) (m-1); }